Birding in Machupicchu: A Two-Day Adventure Blending Culture and Birds

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Birding in Machupicchu Trip Report

Welcome to a detailed account of our two-day tour Birding in Machupicchu, blending ornithological interests with an exploration of one of the world’s most iconic archaeological sites. Guided by Danny Vargas,

We share what one of the members of the trip mailed us as a trip report:

Day 1: Historical Exploration and Initial Birding Encounters

Our adventure began early in the Sacred Valley with Barbara, Mat, Tom, and Gale, all seasoned birders keen on exploring bird diversity alongside with rich history of the area. Danny Vargas from Manakin Expeditions was our birding and culture guide, an expert in both the history of the Incas and the birds of Peru, we embarked on a journey that was as informative as it was picturesque.

The train ride to Aguas Calientes was itself a prelude to the scenic beauty that awaited us. Along the Urubamba River, we spotted several pairs of torrent ducks adeptly navigating the swift currents—a spectacle that set the tone for the day.

Upon arriving in Aguas Calientes, a delightful sighting of the endemic Green and White Hummingbird in the station’s gardens was an immediate highlight. After a brief stop at our hotel to drop off luggage, we continued to Machu Picchu, eagerly anticipating both the cultural and natural treasures ahead.

The Sanctuary

As we entered the citadel of Machu Picchu, Danny led us through its most significant structures, each echoing the sophistication of Inca engineering and architectural prowess. The terraces, carved and cosntructed meticulously into the mountain, showcased advanced agronomic techniques and soil management that supported diverse cropping at varying altitudes. We explored the granaries, where the Incas stored their harvests, marveling at the strategic placement that utilized natural air currents for cooling.

Temple of the Sun, with its semi-circular construction, provided insights into the astronomical precision of the Incas, aligning perfectly with the solstices. The Main Plaza served as a communal gathering spot, offering expansive views across the site, while the adjacent Temple of the Three Windows opened up mystical views that played with the celestial light. The intricate stonework of the Temple of the Condor and the reflective surfaces of the Temple of the Mirrors highlighted the Incas’ deep connection with both the earth and sky.

Danny also emphasized the impressive hydraulic engineering of the Incas, pointing out the advanced network of water channels distributing but also draining all the water throughout the city, a feat of functionality and beauty.

Birding was interspersed throughout our tour, with notable appearances by the Rust-and-yellow Tanager and the White-tipped Swift, while the melodious calls of the endemic Inca Wren added a natural soundtrack to our historical journey.

Birding in Machupicchu

Day 2: Dedicated Birding in Machupicchu, along the Path to Mandor Waterfalls

The second day was devoted entirely to birding as we walked the trail along the train tracks toward Mandor Waterfalls. The habitat here was rich and varied, providing us with opportunities to see a wide range of species.

Early morning

Early in the morning, we were greeted by our first mixed species flocks. Spectacled & Slate-throated Redstar calls alerted us the flock was comming, the stunning Blue-necked Tanager, Caped Conebill, with it´s typical foraging style in the outter foliage with acrobatic movements, the beautiful Barred Becard and it´s cute call, the rare and silent Bolivian Tyrannulet, the colorful and loud Golden-olive Woodpecker, a bunch of Rust-and-yellow Tananger. A second flock crossed the river towards us with Silvery, Blue-capped, Blue-gray and Palm Tanagers, Tropical Parula, Thick Billed Euphonia, Saffron-crowned Tanager and the Golden Tanager. Later a solitary Flame-faced Tanager showed it´s stuning colors in close distance. Ater a while more flocks showed up with some of our targets like Ocellated Piculet, Tawny-tumped, Ashe-headed & Sclaters Tyrannulets.

Variable Antshrike and our highlight for the trip, Masked Fruiteater came after the Ruinas Bridge with its striking colors a perfect contrast against the dark lush greens of the forest and Black-streaked Puffbird as another highlight, its elusive nature making our brief sighting all the more rewarding.

Colorful birding

Throughout the day, Danny identified numerous hard species such as the tyrannulets but some others needed no presentation since the whole group were familiar with the beautiful Andean Motmot with its impressive tail and the Golden-headed Quetzal flashing its brilliant plumage near the river.

Finally… Cock of the rock!!!

The crescendo of our birding expedition was witnessing the vibrant display of the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Peru’s national bird. Observing its colors in the natural amphitheater of the forest near Mandor was an unforgettable moment, underscoring the deep connection between this region’s cultural heritage and its natural wonders.

Reflecting on Birding and Culture in Peru

This expedition was more than just birdwatching but a tapestry of history, culture, and nature that Peru offers. Danny’s insights bridged the past with the present, allowing us to appreciate Machu Picchu not just as a static relic but as a living museum where every stone tells a story and every bird song adds depth to its narrative.

For those passionate about birding and eager to explore cultural depths, «Birding in Machu Picchu» offers a unique perspective on how history and nature coexist, each enhancing the understanding of the other. This trip was not just about ticking species off a list; it was about experiencing the essence of one of the most mystic places on earth through its birds and its stones.

If you are interested in this tour you may join our short Tour Birding in Machupicchu, see more HERE.

Or join one of the most wonderful Birding and Culture tour in South Peru in the heart of the Inkas empire. See more HERE.

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Birding in Machupicchu: A Two-Day Adventure Blending Culture and Birds

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The Best Proposition

Birding and Culture in South East Peru

The most most outstanding aspects of Peru in a week. Including accesible birding in remote areas, impressive Inca monuments like Machupicchu and Manu Park counted as the most biodiverse place on earth. Representing the essence of the country. 

Culture and Nature !!

The Best Proposition

The most most outstanding aspects of Peru in a week. Including accesible birding in remote areas, impressive Inca monuments like Machupicchu and Manu Park counted as the most biodiverse place on earth. Representing the essence of the country.