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Trip Outline
Northern Peru is one of the most desirable birding destination in the world with a unbeatable diversity, endemism and unparallel rarities. The trip includes specialities like Marvelous Spatuletail, Long whiskered Owlet, few Antpitta and hummingbird feeders. it trully is a paradise.
Our journey will begin in Tarapoto, and we will gradually make our way up the Andean foothills, exploring the humid west slope of the Andes, spending time in the Cloudforest, and then descending to the dry west slope before concluding our trip in the Marañon Valley at Jaen. The roads are well-maintained, and access to the main bird-watching spots is excellent, allowing us to comfortably explore the High Andes, Cloudforest, and lowland Rainforest by car.
Our 8-day itinerary is designed to make the most of our time, with a relaxed pace and affordable pricing. While we have a suggested itinerary, we are also happy to customize it to suit your specific needs, targets, or budget. Join us for an unforgettable bird-watching adventure in Northern Peru!
See a Trip Report of one of our Birding Tours in Northern Peru here.
Arrival to Tarapoto and surroundings
After arrival to Tarapoto, we will head to the surroundings and tunnels, where Planalto Hermit, Comb Duck, Rusty-backed Antwren, Little Woodpecker, Riparian Parrotlet, Hook-billed Kite, Lettered Aracari, White-throated Toucan; Golden-headed & Fiery-capped Manakin and White-plummed Antbird are good possibilities.
Night in Tarapoto.
ACONABIHK and Moyobamba
We will spend our mourning in a birding reserve, where the bird feeders provide good chances for multiple hummingbirds like Koepcke´s Hermit, Black-throated Mango, Golden-tailed Sapphire, White-necked Jacobin and Paradise, Blue-necked & Dotted Tanager are always around and an an active lek where males Golden-headed Manakin do their display. Additionally Yellow-tailed Wooly-monkey are often seen here. Night at Tarapoto.
After lunch, we will drive for two hours Moyobamba and see a colony of Oilbird roosting on the way.
Once getting to Moyobamba and after dinner we will go for Owling searching for Stygian Owl and Band-bellied Owl.
Night at Wakanqui
Moyobamba Full day
We will explore Wakanki and quebrada Mishquiyaquillo where Fiery-throated Fuiteater, Painted Manakin, Chestnut-thorated Spinetail, Black-throated Tody Flycatcher, Lettered Aracari, this lodge was originally designed for orchids but the bird chances are incredible, with almost 20 species of hummingirds at feeders, they attract the wonderful Rufous-crested Coquette, White-chinned & Golden-tailed Sapphire, Brown Violetear, among others. Tanager mixed flocks and the Endemic Mishana Tyrannulet are always around the lodge and can be all possible .
Night at Wakanqui
Andean Foothills
Before breakfast we will search for the secretive and highly nocturnal Masked Duck and drive towards Arena blanca where Rufous-breasted Wood-quail and Little Tinamou can be seen at feeders, the garden holds several hummingbirds including Green Hermit, Reddish Hermit, Blue-fronted Lancebill, Wire-crested Thorntail, Rufous-crested Coquette, Speckled Hummingbird, Amethyst Woodstar, Many-spotted Hummingbird, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Sapphire-spangled Emerald, Many-spoteed Hummingbird, Wire-crested Thorntail, Black-throated Brilliant, etc. The fruit feeders attracts several tanagers, Green Honeycreeper and even Fiery-capped Manakin comes to the Melastomatacea fruits. Additionally, we may find the elusive Burnished-buff Tanager, White-browed Purpletuft, Russet-crowned Crake among others.
After lunch, we will head up road searching for Lanceolated Monklet, Napo Sabrewing, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Sharpbill, and Black-faced Tanager.
Night in Arena Blanca
Alto Nieva
Before sunrise we may search for Foothill Screech-Owl and look for some targets we may have missed, after breakfast and packing time, we will leave towards Fundo Alto Nieva.
Once there, we will spend the afternoon birding around the trails where Rufous-vented Tapaculo, Olive-backed Woodcreeper, Ash-browed Spinetail, Buff-fronted Tody-tyrant, Flavescent Flycatcher and the spectacular White-capped Tanager can be found.
Night is very exciting here because here we have excellent chances for Long-whiskered Owlet and Cinnamon Screech-Owl.
Night in Alto Nieva
Owlet Lodge
Early mourning we will search for two of the most restricted and rare Antpittas, the Rusty-tinged Antpitta and Ochre-fronted Antpitta, we can also find Ornate Flycatcher, Bar-winged Wood-wren, Yellow-throated Tanager among much more and explore the hummingbird feeder where beauties such as Long-tailed Sylph, Greenish Puffleg, Peruvian Raquet-tail as they are common residents.
After lunch we will get back to the road looking for Royal Sunangel and Cliff Flycatcher, Rufous-tailed Tyrant, etc and arrive to Owlet lodge at mid afternoon in order to start our hike for another chance of Long-Whiskered Owlet. Owlet lodge is excellent for White-throated Owl and Rufous-banded Owl.
Night at Owlet Lodge.
Full day at Owlet lodge
After breakfast we will explore the trails of the lodge where we may find the endemic Johnson´s Tody-Flycatcher, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, Variable Antshrike, Streak-headed Antbird, Rufous-vented Tapaculo, Montane Woodcreeper, Spotted Barbtail, Rufous Spinetail, Black-capped Tyrannulet, Pale-edged Flycatcher, Sharpe’s Wren, Chrestnut-breasted Chlorophonia, White-faced Nunbird, and a colorful array of tanagers, such as the Flame-faced, Saffron-crowned, Silvery, and Metallic-green Tanagers.
Night in Owlet Lodge
Marvelous Spatuletail
After breakfast we will head towards Huembo Lodge; hummingbird feeders where we can get Lesser Violetear, Bronzy Inca, Little Woodstar, Andean Emerald and probably the best place for finding one of the highlights in Peru: the endemic and wonderful Marvelous Spauletail and later spend some time at Chamaya at the dry valley of the Marañon where we will seek particularly for Pacific Parrotlet, Collared (Shumba) Antshrike, Marañon Tyrannulet and the endemics endemic Little Inca-finch and Peruvian Pigeon.
Night in Jaen.
We will start very early this day, before dawn we will head towards Bosque de Yanahuanca looking for Peruvian Screach-Owl and Scrub Nightjar. Later once day clears, we will go after the Marañon Specialities with gems such as Tataupa Tunamou, Paint-billed Crake, Chinchipe Spinetail, Marañon Crescentchest, Marañon Tyrannulet, Marañon Spinetail, White-lined Tanager are species very rarely found else where, additionally, Northern (Peruvian) Slaty-antshrike, Red-crested Finch and Gray-breasted Crake are good possibilities here.
We will return to the hotel for a late breakfast and packing for a transfer to the airport at appropiate time.